“Mathemateg yw brenhines y gwyddorau a rhifyddeg yw brenhines mathemateg” Carl Friedrich Gauss
Y mae mathemateg yn rhan annatod o fywyd bob dydd. Mae ganddi ganghennau fel rhifyddeg, algebra, calcwlws a geometreg, yn ogystal â mecaneg ac ystadegaeth, ac yn y bôn astudiaeth ydyw o nifer, strwythur, gofod a newid. Trwy astudio mathemateg y dysgir nifer o sgiliau pwysig ar gyfer bywyd pob dydd.
Trwy'r wefan hon, cewch wybodaeth am feysydd astudio'r gwahanol flynyddoedd, a'r staff sy'n eu haddysgu. Cofiwch fod croeso i chi gysylltu â'r adran ar unrhyw adeg.
The Mathematics Department
"Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and arithmetic the queen of mathematics" Carl Friedrich Gauss
Mathematics is an integral part of everyday life. It has branches such as arithmetic, algebra, calculus and geometry, in addition to mechanics and statistics, and at its heart it the study of number, form, space and change. Through studying mathematics a number of important skills are learnt for everyday life.
Through this website, you'll receive information on the schemes of learning for different years, and the teaching staff. Remember, you are welcome to contact the department at any time.